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Recycling: Compost for Your Garden

All your kitchen waste is sitting in a landfill right now. What it could be doing right now is helping your garden or flowerbed to look nice. Home composting is a great way to recycle your kitchen waste. To do this set up a can, in addition to your regular garbage can, and add the following types of waste to it. You will need a combination of "green" and "brown" materials. You can add green waste, such as grass cuttings, tea bags, coffee grounds, unusable vegetables and vegetable peelings, and unusable fruit and fruit scraps. These materials are quick to rot and provide important nutrients to the compost. Brown waste, such as cardboard, egg boxes, crumpled paper, saw dust, and dead leaves are also usable in your compost. Once you have enough waste to fill a large garbage bin you can set it on some level ground where grass is growing. Over nine to twelve months your compost will rot and you will be able to use it in your garden. More about Green Composting.

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