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A Greener Way to Cut that Green Grass

Today, you might want to cut the grass before the next rain, right? So here comes the clunky gasoline powered lawn mower, I can just hear the CO2 coming out of that thing. Maybe you should try a green alternative to that mower. How about a reel mower or an electric one? The grass would be much greener without all that gas. Gas-powered lawn mowers account for almost 5% of U.S. air pollution, not to mention all the fuel that gets spilled. Each year, Americans spill more fuel from lawn mowers than was spilled in the '89 Exxon Valdez oil spill. People made a big deal about that, so you should be making a big deal about this, too. Not only is this a green option, but it will also help you save some green, too. With a gas-powered mower you spend $5 on fuel every other mow. With an electric mower you spend that much in an entire years worth of mows and with a reel mower it is completely free. So trash that old clunky gasoline mower and go buy a green one!


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Anonymous said...

or how about goats?

S(arah)ML said...

Hey, it's Sarah and i made a new blog cause the old one sucked and it bothe(red) me so i made this one. and yea the following thing messed me up cuz it kept asking me all these questions and i was like does it rlly matter but apparently it does so yea idk wat i did exactly but if you could follow me that would be nice. so yea o and this post was rlly cool, its one of my favorite of yours. :)

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Joost Hoogstrate said...

Brett, that’s a great title for a great post. Yes, there are always greener alternatives to the way we are used to doing things. We take the easy route which is more costly in the long run. We of course need to take into account the consequences of all our actions. What we do as individuals affect the whole planet and also reveals that true.

Each one of us has got to get greener.
Joost Hoogstrate

EcoAgentLA said...

E41I can't stand those leaf blower fumes from my neighbors...Eco-Consultants help to grow the green movement by teaching people how to save money in their homes, purchase more sustainable products, keep their families healthy and away from toxins. You can learn exactly how to become an ECo-Consultant with Eco Institution's online curriculum.